Learn how to work with the healing & manifesting power of Sarah's Angels!

Sarah is an Ascended Master for the New Age of Aquarius, https://www.rachelgoodwin.dk/ascended-master-sarah/ and that’s why she has a host of angels to carry out her Divine Will!

In this 5 day video course, you are invited to take an area in your life, or an aspect of yourself, that you would like some help with. It can be a small or a large thing – it’s completely up to you!! You don’t have to know right now what you want to work on, you can find out along the way!! You will be learning how to invite the special energies that Sarah & her powerful host of Angels have into your life, and how to shift things on a quantum level. 

Sarah also has her own vibration of violet flame - as well as her own host of Angels that help with healing and manifesting! She's pretty useful, but be prepared to get some results after working with these exercises, it's powerful stuff!!
In each video there are exercises that will take you through a process and some channelings from Sarah.

The time is now for us to become master creators, and we’re learning how to shift into the 5th dimension, the Golden Age (or however you want to call it!!) – co-creating the Age of Aquarius from our place of divinity, the divine flame that sits inside each one of us, and Sarah is teaching us how to do this….. And as we look at the world around us, we can sure see that there is a lot of work to do!
But the first place for us to start is with ourselves! Let me explain..

Interested, want to learn more? Sign up below!

Some feedback on the course

'This .... really works. Thank you Rachel for helping us connect with these beautiful Beings of Light. Thank you angels and Sarah. xx💜💚✨'

'Really enjoyed everything,thank you Rachel Goodwin and Sarah 5 day fb challenge!! xx'

'I am so delighted to learn Sarah is working with Starseeds. Thank you all for a truly life changing week. I feel very blessed and grateful... Xx'

'Thank you ... Rachel, I have gained so much from it and really deepened my connection with Sarah, so lovely to meet her Angels and AA Saraniel and everything else. Love the way you put the crystals in your Etsy shop 💚'

'Beautiful, authentic & direct teachings with heartfelt power. Thank you for a wonderful experience!! 🌷❤️'

Praise for this course:

About the instructor

Channel, teacher and energy healer Rachel Goodwin

Rachel Goodwin is a channel for Sarah, bringing through Sarah's teachings & working with an Ascension grid in the sacred town of Roskilde, Denmark, where she lives. Rachel teaches through her classes, podcast, blog, personal sessions, as well as facebook live. Learn more at www.rachelgoodwin.dk

Course Curriculum

    1. Where this course came from..

    2. And what inspired this Sarah and the Angels course

    1. Intro and 'connecting with Sarah and her host of angels' exercise'

    2. Channeling 'Sarah's angels'

    1. Connecting to Sarah's love exercise

    2. Channeling 'Creating a foundation of peace'

    3. ‘Love is the key’ Sarah channeling

    1. Clearing with Sarah's violet flame...

    2. If you want to work with that clearing chant..

    1. Manifesting our intent

    1. Illumination, insight and information!!

    2. The great Angel Saraniel, keeper of the flame of divinity.

About this course

  • $19.99
  • 14 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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